
Archive for November, 2012

I have been sitting on the task of cleaning out the workshop for too long now and during that time it has become somewhat of a dumping ground. It took me the majority of the day to empty and sort its contents and whilst it was interesting to see all the things I used to hoard years ago it was definitely time to say goodbye to it all.

Once emptied it was time to decide what form the new workshop was going to take and it is something I’ve been planning in my head for a couple of weeks now. I want it to be a productive work space whilst at the same time being a neat place to store the tools and Charlie’s garden toys.

The first step was to get the splendid wood draughtman’s drawing board sourced from Freecycleinstalled. It’s a rather big and heavy chap but it fits nicely in the corner. I also made some cupboards from scrap wood which I painted in amazing blackboard paint. If I had my way I would paint the whole house in the stuff, that way you could change the design of your wallpaper every week. The cupboards are still up a day later – I take this to be a good sign.

It still has a long way to go but the less enjoyable jobs are now out the way which is a relief. It is certainly a step up from my little corner five years ago.

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